Lean Into Joy

Power trick for happiness
As I have written, we have between 50,000-60,000 thoughts a day. 95% are believed to be the same thoughts we had yesterday and the day before. And sadly, about 80% of those are negative.
Science has also proven that we have a natural happiness set point. 50% of that set point is thought to be your DNA. In other words you were born that way. Amazingly only 10% is derived from the things we think gives us happiness, our house, spouse, salary, job title, car, and other material things.
That leaves a staggering 40% that we can actually control when we know what to do. And when we learn to habitually control some of these negative thoughts it will help us literally rewire our neuronal pathways. We can rewire our brains toward more happiness.
I have written about many of the ways we can do this. Another one I love is to lean into joy. What does that mean? When we start having stinking thinking, if we can catch ourselves, we can lean those thoughts a bit toward joy.
I do not mean create some blissful mantra like “You can do it!” What I am talking about is looking at the negative thought from a different perspective. Let’s say you have a very important meeting or job interview coming up and all you can hear are your negative voices telling you that you will probably blow it or that there is too much competition for you to be the ultimate winner.
Create some potential positive outcomes. Remind yourself that you are prepared for the meeting, that you have nailed other interviews or presentations in the past, and that you have some unique qualifications that can help you succeed.
Pay attention to how your body feels when you think the negative thoughts. How do you feel when you think the more positive thoughts? I bet you feel more calm, empowered and ready to go!
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