Bestow Awards For Happiness

How to Create Happiness Around You
Want to boost your own happiness in a fun and easy way? Go through your day looking for fun awards to dole out to anything and everyone in your path. If you are out on a walk, give an award for the most adorable dog or the most unusual tree. What about for the fastest runner, or the biggest smile?
If you are in the store, give an award for the most helpful employee, or the most colorfully dressed customer. Get creative as you go through your day.
Science has proven that the more we focus on the positive, the more positive we see. It is also true that when we focus on the negative, the more negative we find to complain about.
Haven’t you had an experience where we are annoyed by a co-worker. We may tell a friend about all of the ways that person is irritating. The next day, your co-worker is even more irritating pretty much no matter what they do. All we see is what they are doing that is wrong. We can do this with our spouse or loved one, too. The more irritated we are, the more irritating they behave.
It is very easy to go down this negative bunny trail and that is unproductive and actually harmful. It is harmful for your relationship with them, but also harmful to YOU.
Positive psychology is the science of happiness. There are now hundreds of studies on this topic. And every single one shows that what we focus on grows.
A fun game you can play with yourself is to start to give awards out to the people and things around you. Get creative. Partner with a friend to do this and share your best awards at the end of the day. Pretend you are the head of the Academy Awards and are allowed to bestow awards for all kinds of things. And do it!
Pay attention, and I bet you will find that you have a much happier and more productive day. And that those people who used to irritate you, may just start to bring you joy.
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