Don’t Believe Your Thoughts

Do your thoughts drive you crazy?
Did you know that it is estimated that we have between 50,000-60,000 thoughts per day. That is about one per second. 95% of those thoughts are the same ones we had yesterday. And the worst part is that 80% of the habitual thoughts we have are negative.
The good news is that you do not have to believe every thought you think. What does that mean? It means that we do have a choice to believe or not to believe every thought.
Dr. Martin Seligman is considered the father of positive psychology and his book titled Learned Optimism he talks about leaning into joy or into a happier thought. Or just lean into a slightly more empowering thought.
For example, if you have a big project with a deadline and time it feels overwhelming and as if there is no way you can get it done, you have the option of letting those negative thoughts take control of your brain which only creates another avalanche of negative thoughts Or you can pause for a moment and have a different conversation with yourself. Remind yourself of the qualities you have that will allow you to finish this. “I almost always meet my deadlines.” “I have successfully completed projects just like this before.” “I already have a lot of the information I need to complete this project.”
Make up a few true but more empowering sentences that can help turn your negative thinking around. And then proceed with the project. I bet you will find that you can knock it out much faster than you thought.
This can work in any situation. Try it in a social or work situation. If you are worried about making a good impression with others, pause and create a few more empowering thoughts. “I am a likable person.” “I am armed with all of the information I need to have this meeting.”
Try it. It can be very empowering to just create a slight space between your habitual negative thought and one that will allow you to move forward with more grace, ease and even joy.
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