How To Be Happy: Your Happiness Set Point

Do you know your happiness set point?
The GOOD news is that over the last 30 years there have been thousands of scientific studies on happiness proving that it is possible for anyone to be happy! Dr. Martin Seligman is considered the father of positive psychology. He was one of the first scientists to study happy and healthy people to find out what their secret was.
This was a complete shift from the old practices of psychology where the focus was on unhealthy people and how to just give them a slightly better quality of life. Now we know that anyone can increase their happiness set point.
We all have a happiness set point. In fact, we have a test for it. Interestingly, 50% of our happiness comes from our DNA. We were born that way. But most stunningly, all of the things we think make us happy, our house, our spouse, our job title, money, and our purchases is only 10% of our happiness.
All of the things we strive so hard to achieve that we think will make us feel like a success or make us happy is only 10%. The good news is that the remaining 40% is our thoughts and belief patterns, and those can be changed if you commit to some simple new habits.
And it has now been proven that when you change the 40%, you can even change your DNA. That is the work we do at Get Happy Habits to help YOU be happier!
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