Three Life Changing Questions For Busy People

Before you are overwhelmed, use these questions!
Do you get overwhelmed at work and at home? These days, who doesn’t? We are all going a hundred miles an hour and pulled in conflicting directions. I have some life changing questions for you to ask yourself.
- Does this NEED to be done?
- Does this need to be done by ME?
- Does this need to be done by me ALONE?
Let’s go through the questions. First, many times we can eliminate busy work and nonessential work just asking the first question. I know this question alone has changed my life at times. Sometimes we are so busy we forget to distinguish real work from busy work.
Once you decide that, yes, this does need to be done, ask question number two. Do I need to do this? Again, sometimes asking ourselves this question allows us the opening to perhaps delegate it. I know at work and even as a mom I frequently had the mindset that it was just easier and faster to do it myself.
As a mom with that mindset, my aha moment was that I was actually doing a disservice to my kids. Teaching them to do chores and help out not only teaches life skills, but creates much more of a “we are in this together” mentality for the entire family. And now that my kids have become amazing adults, I am so grateful for this lesson.
Now, let’s assume the answer to question one and two is yes. Now ask yourself, does this need to be don by me ALONE? Asking for help is always uncomfortable and can seem daunting. But it can also be life changing.
People actually like to help, and I have found that sometimes I can exchange services with people to accomplish something. We all have different strengths and skills. And sometimes it’s just much more efficient to hire someone to do part of what needs to be done. I know I have hired people on Fiverr or some other freelance site to help me with tech projects that would take me days, and for a minimum amount of money, it is completed and perfect quickly!
Try asking yourself these questions the next time you get that dreaded feeling of overwhelm with a project. And let me know how it works for you!
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