Shake off Old Energy

The amazing calming power of Qi gong.
I recently found Qi gong. It is an ancient practice of body movement, generally very slow and flowing. It has changed my life. I exercise, take long walks, and play Pickleball as much as I can. But I have always wanted a practice that is more calming.
Yoga has never worked for me because I am not very flexible. Recently Qi gong was mentioned to me so I checked it out. I love it! Qi pronounced CHEE is energy. Qi gong is a series of exercises that move the energy around in your body. It helps with flexibility and health.
One of my favorites is one where you just bounce on your feet and fling your arms and hands toward the ground to remove the old stale energy out. It is not jumping, just bouncing both on your toes and heels. To add a bit more, you can bring your arms up slowly while bouncing until they are way over your head and then work them back down.
Now, stand still, arms down and feel your Qi throughout your body. Do you feel it in your arms and legs? Take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. You are now ready to keep working or doing whatever it is you were doing.
I first found Lee Holden on You Tube and enjoy his routines! There are lots of other free practitioners there. Find one that appeals to you. Qi gong is good for your immune system, all of your essential organs and for your mental and physical well-being.
In this global time out most of us are in front of our computers and on Zoom meetings more than usual. This is a great exercise to bring renewed energy back into your body. It is better than a cup of coffee! Try doing this several times a day and see what a difference it makes.
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