Relieve Stress With Curiosity!

Stress is at an all time high!
Stress and anxiety were at record levels before the pandemic. The shut down has shaken everyone’s sense of security. There are more questions than answers about our work, how our kid’s lives will look, how we shop, how we get together and our general health and safety. There is not one person who has not felt unsettled and an increase in stress.
I have recently been thinking about strategies to help, and curiosity keep rattling around in my brain. I have 10-month old twin grandkids that exude pure curiosity. They zip around from one thing to the next with no sense of judgment or worry. It is fun to watch them “find” their hands and all of the power that discovery alone brings.
They live in stark contrast to how we adults live. We tend to judge everything and everyone. We become set in our ways and beliefs. And the more uncertain we feel it seem safer to find ways to control as much as we can. We clutch our beliefs and habits with more zeal.
But control is a curiosity extinguisher. And it seems to be that now more than ever we need to be more open, expanded, and in the flow in order to find answers to our individual questions and the bigger questions facing us all.
When we feel fear, our amygdala hijacks our brain putting it on lockdown and into FIGHT or FLIGHT. But in reality there may be a myriad of choices and options open to us, yet we see only two, run away or pull our fists out. Neither is optimal.
When we can allow for just a little bit of space between our thoughts and our reaction, it allows for other options and flow and even a sense of relief. Curiosity may just a way to allow for that space.
How can we be more curious? Try asking questions like “Are there other ways to look at this?” or “What other options might be available to me”. We can instantly become a bit more detached from the problem. A few simple questions can allow us to be more solutions focused rather than problem focused.
And more importantly it may bring our minds back into flow and openness and tamp down our stress.
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