Emotions: Go Ahead And Feel Them!
Emotions are just data, not good or bad.
Emotions are not inherently bad or good. Emotions give us information. Emotions may be stem from or be spurred by related to our values.
What do I mean? Anger, for example, may stem from seeing something that is not in line with our values. Boredom at work may be a sign that we need to think about finding a new job.
I know when I see the children in cages at the border it triggered huge sadness and anger. That’s because my values are that we treat every person with dignity and love, and that has been one of the most outrageous things I have seen.
I am a Happy For No Reason trainer and coach. And being happy for no reason does not being happy at all times, or walking around with a silly smile on my face. It means finding mental calmness and peace of mind even during difficult situations.
It means feeling your feelings, but being more mindful and centered so that you can look for the underlying meanings. It keeps us from just being flattened and taking to the couch for days on end. We may take to the couch for a bit, but it is valuable to look at the feelings too. When we do that the information we glean may spur us to productive action.
Is it time to look for a new job? Is it time to take action to call out our leaders and shine light on practices that feel outrageous to us? Is it time to have a difficult conversation with our kids or significant other?
When we realize our emotions are tied to our values it allows us to take action and move forward and get up off the couch. Emotions are data that informs. Trust that you will learn valuable information and know which direction to turn.
Betsy Smith Certified Happy For No Reason trainer and coach
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