The Power of a Smile

Smiling is good for your immune system!
Did you know that the actual physical movement of smiling turns on happiness neurotransmitters in your brain and helps you feel happier? I find that amazing. If you think about it, though, don’t you feel good when someone smiles at you and you smile back? Have you noticed that your body actually feels better when you watch a TV show or movie that makes you laugh?
I consciously make the effort to smile at people I see at the grocery store or on the street. When I am out for a walk, I smile and say hi or wave to everyone I see. I love to see how my smile can transform someone else’s face.
And when someone smiles back at me, I just feel good! The side benefit is that our face actually looks better with a smile on it. We look younger, more welcoming, and friendlier. All of that is beneficial to us and to those around us.
There is a meditation that is a smiling mediation. Sit quietly and smile. Focus on your breath and your smile. When your mind wanders, keep bringing it back to your breath and smile. Try this for even just a few minutes. It helps bring positive energy into your body and cells.
Today’s tip is to be conscious of everyone you meet today, and give them the gift of your smile. When you are at work, say hi and smile at everyone you meet. Have you heard people talk about your resting face? That is the look on your face when you are not paying attention. No one wants to be around a grouchy resting face.
Currently we are sheltering in and some of us are doing a lot of Zoom meetings. This is a great opportunity to practice your smile. You can see yourself, so pay attention to how much you are smiling, and do it more!
Betsy Smith Certified Happy For No Reason trainer and coach
So smile more today, and try the smiling meditation. Your body and immune system will thank you!
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