How To Avoid Catastrophizing!

If 2020 has taught us anything it may be that things happen that are beyond our ability to imagine and even worry about. Who would have thought a year ago that we would be in such uncertain times about our work, our schools, and just our normal behavior patterns and routines.
Who would have imagined that we would have life changing events like weddings and graduations put on indefinite hold? Who would have thought that we would be unable to freely go to our usual restaurants and sporting events? Who would have thought that we would be wearing masks sometimes even around our best friends and family?
The word catastrophizing is a newish word used to describe the bunny trails our thoughts can take us down to the worst possible scenario. It usually turns out that the things we imagine as our worst possible scenario never happens and sometimes other crazy things just happen.
One of my favorite quotes is “Worrying is using your imagination to create what you don’t want”. We rarely imagine the best outcome. So what to do?
First, recognize that you are doing it. Awareness can shed light on anything.
Second, ask yourself, “What do I actually know?” That question eliminates some of the imaginary and frightening thoughts from our possible range of possibilities. It also gives us some separation from the problems.
Third, stay calm for those around you. I know that I am able to calm myself when I know that my catastrophizing mind will cause stress to my kids or friends or family. I can elevate myself for others when I may find it hard to do for myself.
The big take away is that bringing ourselves back into the present and current moment will allow us to be gentle with ourselves. In this very stressful and chaotic time, being kind to ourselves is more important than ever.
Betsy Smith Certified Happy For No Reason trainer and coach
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