Smile: Our Happy Habit Secret Weapon

Smile! It triggers happy chemicals in your body.
If you are not using your smile, you are like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook. Les Giblin
I absolutely love this quote. Imagine a world where we all smile more. And it turns out its really good for you! Smiling is FREE, and we can all do it.
Smiling reduces stress, can lower blood pressure, and even boost your mood. Even if you fake it until you make it.
Science shows that even when we are feeling down, if we smile, it boosts our Happy chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins. One study found that smiling stimulates the brain the same as the equivalent of the good stuff in 2,000 chocolate bars.
Kids smile around 425 times a day and the average adult, just 15. Smiling makes us look and feel younger. Smiles make us feel more confident. We are more likely to be hired or get a job promotion when we smile more.
When we smile at others and they smile back, it creates a connection and that is also good for our brain. I often make a game of it when I am out. I will smile at everyone I see and count how many smiles I get back. Most people will. It feels really good to me, but also you are giving a smile to someone else, maybe even changing the trajectory of their day. Even now when we are wearing masks, you can still smile with your eyes.
Are you on Zoom all day? That is a great opportunity to practice. Be the one who smiles and gives interested cues to the person speaking. I know that when I am talking, I look for the people who are doing that. You will be noticed, I am sure.
Set the intention to give away 10 extra smiles today! You will benefit and so will the world.
Betsy Smith, Certified Happy For No Reason Trainer and coach
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