Reduce Risk Of Dementia Dramatically With This Happy Habit

Regular dancing can reduce the risk of dementia!
Dancing may be one of the most powerful ways to boost your memory. In a 2003 New England Journal of Medicine in a study of people over 75 for 21 years showed that the benefits of dancing were almost double of reading and even doing crossword puzzles.
If you don’t like dancing or don’t think you are good at it, I have some great news. The most beneficial form of dancing for the brain is just free form dance, not learning specific routines. Free form forces your brain to create new neuronal pathways. And that is one of the keys. The more pathways we have, the easier it is for our brains to work!
It turns out that dancing is also a great Happy Habit. Dancing gets our body moving, and exercise is good for the brain, but it also in rewires our brain for happiness. Dancing is fun, and laughing (even at ourselves) is good for us. Did you know that kids smile or laugh on average 425 times a day, and adults just 15? We are a bunch of party poopers.
Dancing forces our body to be more expanded. When we are on the computer all day, or hunched down on a sofa watching TV, our bodies are contracted. That position makes it almost impossible to be happy, it’s harder to take deep belly breaths, and our internal organs have less space to work efficiently.
Dancing ups the natural happy chemicals in our body like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. It helps with balance, motor control and that can lower stress levels.
Dancing with others is a social connection that is also an important Happy Habits. We are wired to have relationships of all kinds, and it feeds our soul. We thrive when we have friends.
But, just hopping up between Zooms or in the middle of intense work projects, and popping on your favorite tune at full blast so that you can dance all by yourself works too!
It turns out that getting our groove on is good for us. So just do it!
Betsy Smith, Certified Happy For No Reason Trainer and coach
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