

Science has proven that happy people are more productive employees, better sales people, better at parenting, relationships and just about everything we do in life.

How happy are you? Did you know that we each have a happiness set point? When we experience something really great like winning the lottery or something really devastating like a major accident, we end up in the next few months back at our natural happiness set point.

That set point is 50% genetics. You were born that way. The staggering statistic is that only 10% is the things we think it is. Our status, our spouse, the size of our house or our bank account, our title or add just about anything that seems to matter to us as we live our lives.

That means that 40% of our happiness is something we have the ability to change. Science has shown that there are things we can do to increase our happiness set point. We can literally change our neuronal pathways.

And that is exactly what we do here. We help you learn how to rewire your brain for happiness! We want to help you GET HAPPY HABITS.


Want to learn more? We would love to work with you or your company!